Friday, July 06, 2007

bangkok airport
a shrine in the middle of the tarpaulinned terminal. the ramp down to the waiting area was just clogged.
happiness was getting bumped up to premium economy where meals were served in courses and seats reclined more. actually needed to stretch to reach seat pocket in front of me.
unusual that no visa form was required for sweden. passport control room was badly designed - too tiny and the lines were just a mess.
the foreign exchange guy in the baggage claim had migrated from singapore when he was 8.
received P's sms and bought a round-trip ticket to stockholm central bus station to meet her and J.
happily dumped the backpack in the locker and went for breakfast. coffee and raspberry muffin (40 SEK each) in a pleasant square with the nobel museum.
walked past royal palace enroute to vasmuseet - 1600s ship which sank on maiden voyage and salvaged in the 1950s, also peek into social life in the 17th century.
met up with D and Q around 2 after very good lunch of meatballs and iced tea (118 SEK).
had to take subway to bus stop to catch bus to hallstavik and then from there to herrang.
dinner at yum yum (95 SEK) of sausage with rice. only time we ate there.
first night accomms in a quaint little cottage ('for our daughters 19 and 17') with horses in the field next to us.