Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Perfect Two
Kevin Chu
Watch this film and you will do a double take. Child star Xiao Xiao Bin is the spitting image of his father Xiao Bin Bin when he was young – that is the most interesting thing about this throwaway flick.
Taiwanese pretty boy Vic Chou plays Xiao Xiao Bin’s father Bee. He was once a successful motorcycle racer but has been a deadbeat drunk since his wife left him. While there is some chemistry between Chou and his pint-sized co-star, too much of this Kevin Chu movie feels lazily plotted and incredibly manipulative.
Furthermore, Chou is not an actor who can convincingly tap into darkness. Ella Chen, from popular girl group S.H.E, does not have much to do as a tomboyish cafe owner pining after Bee.
If titles were honest, this film would be called Far From Perfect.