Monday, June 19, 1995
Classes. Chapter 4’s really dry but well at least finished the reading. W, the last girl, finally showed up. It feels odd that new people are joining us now that we’ve kinda settled down, can’t be easy for them. Who smokes: S, M, L, C, apparently T did + quit. At break at 11, went with T + R to a bakery up the street for breakfast. 3 of us walked around for lunch + got take-out cheese pizza + (for me) potato salad from Giorgino Pizza. Very good cheese pizza, much better than the American kind. The potato salad was good too (1200 Dr). got back + did packing for Crete. Set sail at 7:15 pm from Piraeus. Hung out with T, S, then R. Had dinner with R, Ai (reminds me of Ir in her animated way of speaking), B + Tr in the cafeteria. Had fish + rice, pretty good, + soda (1000 Dr). R + I were sitting around + then T, S, Al, C, later Ls, joined us at the table for their dinner. Americans are good at telling stories, I’m starting to learn. Conversation turned to assholes dated, interesting I must say. Hung out for a while with T, S, C on the upper deck, feeling the night breeze, traversing the wide dark seas… trip to Crete is about 12 hours, staying in room with 4 beds with R, Se & Iv, nice facilities, lovely ship, cost 700 Dr. Also has private toilet/shower. Can’t help thinking of the rip-off Channel crossing for ₤50 for an hour’s ride.