Monday, June 05, 2006

Royston Tan’s screw-you to the Board of Censors, done with wit and humour, song and dance. When a member of the board is discovered shopping in a supermarket, a zealous ‘fan’ tails her, admiringly reciting the number of cuts made in films past, including The Hours (‘Will watching two women kiss turn me into a lesbian?’), City of God, Y Tu Mama Tambien (in which the pivotal ending was cursorily excised). And of course, the 27 cuts made to Tan’s 15. The 'fan' enthuses over the edgy, jump-cut cinematic style 'championed' by the board and how it proved its ‘ingenuity’ in editing Chicago’s musical numbers. The short then goes into full-blown musical mode with cameo appearances from fellow sympathisers in film, theatre and tv. In 12 succinct minutes, Tan takes aim and lets fly one satisfying zinger after another.