Wednesday, March 23, 2016

To Be... Nicholas
Nicholas Teo
Let’s Not Fall In Love Again in 2011 marked a career high for Malaysian singer Nicholas Teo. The lush ballad was a karaoke-ready, radio- friendly hit which also managed to tug at the heartstrings with its swell and ebb of emotions.
He has taken his time to follow up on that record of the same name.
This five-track EP seems to offer a snapshot of a more introspective Teo. No Ifs In Life finds him musing over gentle guitars: “No ifs in life, for example/But if my life changed, what would be the result.”
To the question, What Kind Of Person Are You Now, he responds: “Only want to be a simple person, yet I’ve become a complicated man/To be free of wants, yet pray for life to be rich.”
Dilemmas abound. It is a good thing that this EP is no blatant attempt to replicate his former success, but at the same time, one keeps hoping for another gorgeous ballad by Teo to sweep one away.